Rank n Review

Movies Ranked Reviewed and Respected

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ABC Archive

Here you will find listed all of the movies reviewed on the podcast. The number in parenthesis refers to the podcast episode where you can find the review. This list will be updated regularly! Enjoy Fellow Film Freaks!



11/22/63: 121
12 Monkeys: 59
127 Hours: 28
1408: 54
1922: 199


2 Headed Shark Attack: 185
2001 A Space Odyssey: 38
2010 The Year We Make Contact: 164
28 Days Later: 21
28 Weeks Later: 246


30 Days of Night: 26
310 To Yuma: 143


47 Meters Down Uncaged: 167


7 Below: 185


A.I.: 135
Abominable: 233
Absentia: 245
Abyss, The: 148
Across The Universe: 112
Act of God: 116
Addams Family Values: 123
Addams Family, The: 256
Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across The 8th Dimension: 96
Airplane!: 138
Akira: 154
Alice In Wonderland: 258
Alien: 14
Alien 3: 189
Alien Covenant: 124
Aliens: 76
Alive: 28
All Hallows Eve: 236
Altered States: 174
Altitude: 142
American Haunting, An: 105
American Psycho: 193
American Werewolf In London, An: 11
Amityville 3D: 191
Amityville Horror, The (Remake): 79
An American Werewolf In Paris: 130
Anaconda: 49
Anchorman The Legend of Ron Burgundy: 138
Andor (Season 01): 261
Anna And The Apocalypse: 240
Annihilation: 242
Ant Man: 170
Ant Man And The Wasp: 215
Antichrist: 151
Antrum: 206
Antz: 182
Anything Else: 160
Anything For Jackson: 224
Apocalypse Now: 58
Apt Pupil: 169
Arachnophobia: 3
Armageddon: 122
Army of Darkness: 5
Assault On Precinct 13: 41
Attack The Block: 17
Audrey Rose: 241
Avatar: 98
Avengers Age of Ultron: 170
Avengers Endgame: 215
Avengers Infinity War: 215
Avengers, The: 162
AVP: 47
AVP Requiem: 6
Awakening, The: 80


Babadook, The: 97
Baby Blood: 195
BackCountry: 74
Bad Boys: 184
Bad Moon: 130
Bad Santa: 157
Bad Seed, The: 110
Bait: 20
Barbarian: 223 223 223
Barton Fink: 100
Basic Instinct: 88
Batman & Robin: 102
Batman Begins: 73
Batteries Not Included: 256
Battle For The Planet of The Apes: 117
Battle Los Angeles: 89
Battle Royale: 172
Battlefield Earth: 102
Bay, The: 177
Beast Within, The: 174
Beast, The: 93
Beetle juice: 17
Before I Wake: 142
Behind The Mask The Rise of Leslie Vernon: 158
Being John Malkovich: 39
Believers: 180
Belko Experiment, The: 113
Below: 1
Ben: 231
Beneath: 49
Beneath The Planet of The Apes: 117
Benny and Joon: 109
Benny Loves You: 247
Beowolf & Grendle: 85
Beowulf: 229
Best of The Best, The: 232
Better Watch Out: 240
Between Worlds: 185
Big Lebowski, The: 165
Big Legend: 233
Big Trouble In Little China: 41
Bigfoot: 233
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes: 50
Billy Jack: 232
Birdboy : 229
Birdboy and The Lost Children: 229
Birds, The: 33
Bite: 124
Black Christmas: 34 240
Black Death: 1
Black Hawk Down: 58
Black Panther: 178
Black Panther Wakanda Forever: 234
Black Phone: 236
Black Plague: 85
Black Pumpkin: 236
Black Sheep: 15
Black Water: 49
Black Water Abyss: 201
Black Widow: 215
Black Xmas (2006): 211
Blackcoats Daughter, The: 238
Blacula: 145
Blade: 94
Blade 2: 44
Blade Runner: 148
Blair Witch 2 Book of Shadows: 8
Blair Witch Project, The: 25
Blair Witch Project, The (90s): 127
Blazing Saddles: 138
Blind Fury: 184
Blink: 254
Blob, The (Remake): 77
Blood Diner: 231
Blood Quantum: 237
Blood Simple: 100
Bloodfest: 236
Bloodsport: 101
Blue Jasmine: 160
Blue Ruin: 163
Blue Velvet: 24
Body Bags: 260
Body Snatchers: 242
Bone Tomahawk: 85
Boogeyman: 168
Boogie Nights: 205
Book of Trespasses: 119
Book of Trespasses (Lectures): 134
Borat: 138
Borderland: 217
Brain Damage: 231
Brainstorm: 183
Bram Stokers Dracula: 168
Brawl In Cell Block 99: 163
Breakdown: 78
Breakfast Club, The: 218
Breed, The: 49
Bride of Chucky: 120
Bronson: 99
Brood, The: 107
Bubba Ho-Tep: 6
Bucket of Blood, A: 110
Bug: 3
Bull Durham: 241
Burbs, The: 126
Burial Grounds: The Nights of Terror: 13
Burning Bright: 33
Burrowers, The: 1
Burying The Ex: 247
Butterfly Effect, The: 91


Cabin Fever: 247
Cabin In The Woods: 17
Cable Guy, The: 10
Calvaire: 149
Candyman: 197
Cannibal The Musical: 27
Cannibal Woman In The Avocado Jungle of Death: 114
Cape Fear: 110
Capote: 216
Captain America Civil War: 178
Captain America Winter Soldier: 170
Captain Marvel: 215
Captian America The 1st Avenger: 162
Caravan of Courage: The Ewok Adventure: 204
Cargo: 164
Cargo (2017): 199
Carlitos Way: 103
Carrie: 137
Carrie (70s): 107
Carrie 2 The Rage: 246
Casino: 103
Cast a Deadly Spell: 248
Cast Away: 172
Castle Freak: 147
Cat People: 88
Cats Eye: 16
Cave, The: 19
Cell: 235
Cemetery Man: 21
Center of The World, The: 205
Changeling, The: 45
Cheap Thrills: 69
Cheerleader Camp: 195
Chicago 10: 90
Chicken Run: 182
Children of Men: 148
Children of The Corn: 81
Children of The Corn 5 Fields of Terror: 191
Children, The: 34
Childs Play: 120
Childs Play 2: 120
Childs Play 3: 120
Chillerama: 136
Chinatown: 103
Chocolate: 232
Chopper: 99
Christine: 54
Christmas Bloody Christmas: 240
Christmas Horror Story, A: 157
Chronicle: 177
Citizen X: 67
Clash of The Titans: 166
Cleopatra Jones: 145
Close Encounters of The 3rd Kind: 226
Cloud Atlas: 98
Cloverfield: 68
Club Dread: 63 181
Clue: 250
Cobra: 102
Cockneys Vs Zombies: 47
Cocoon: 256
Cold Prey: 26
Colombiana: 46
Colony, The: 222
Color Out of Space (2019): 248
Communion: 226
Company of Wolves: 159
Condemned, The: 172
Congo: 186
Congress, The: 198
Conjuring 2, The: 240
Conjuring, The: 64
Conquest of The Planet of The Apes: 117
Consenting Adults: 205
Constantine: 153
Contact: 148
Contagion: 2
Contender, The: 241
Cooler, The: 82
Cop Land: 83
Copycat: 83
Coraline: 201
Coriolanus: 65
Corpse Bride, The: 112
Cowboys And Aliens: 47
Craft, The: 144
Crawl: 201
Crazies, The (Remake): 79
Creature From The Black Lagoon, The: 161
Creature Was Stirring, A: 257
Creep: 19
Creepshow: 16
Creepshow 2: 260
Crimson Peak: 85
Critters 2 The Main Course: 183
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: 46
Crow Salvation: 70
Crow, The: 197
Cube: 82
Cujo: 54
Cult of Chucky: 120
Cure For Wellness, A: 113
Curly Sue: 218
Curse of Chucky: 120
Curse of Puppet Master: 252
Cursed: 130


Daffy Duck's Quackbusters: 175
Dagon: 19
Dark And The Wicked, The: 224
Dark City (Directors Cut): 59
Dark Crimes: 254
Dark Half, The: 81
Dark Knight Rises: 73
Dark Knight, The: 73
Dark Shadows: 123
Dark Skies: 226
Dark Song, A: 142
Dark Star: 41
Dark Tide: 20
Dark Tower, The: 142
Dark Water: 7
Dark,The: 224
Darkman: 94
Darkness Falls: 30
Darkwolf: 185
Darling: 219
Dawn of The Dead: 12 55
Dawn of The Dead (2004 Remake): 56
Dawn Of The Dead (R): 118
Dawn of The Planet of The Apes: 171
Day After Tomorrow, The: 122
Day of The Dead: 55
Day of The Dead (Remake): 56
Day of The Dead: Contagium: 57
Daywatch: 44
Dazed and Confused: 132
Dead Again: 51
Dead Alive: 21
Dead And Buried: 13
Dead Ant: 249
Dead Birds: 1
Dead End: 240
Dead Set: 108
Dead Snow: 26
Dead Zone, The: 51
Dead, The: 21
DeadGirl: 137
Deadly Blessing: 62
Deadly Friend: 159
Deadpool, The: 210
Death Proof: 78
Death Sentence: 156
Death To Smooch y: 39
Death Warrant: 225
Deathwatch: 85
Deconstructing Harry: 160
Deep Blue Sea: 133
Deep Cover: 83
Deep Impact: 122
Deep Ones, The: 224
Deep Rising: 93
Deepstar Six: 93
Delicatessen: 37
Dementia 13: 159
Descent 2, The: 8
Descent, The: 43
Desperado: 184
Desperate Hours: 253
Detention: 91
Devil Inside, The: 177
Devils Backbone, The: 40
Devils Rejects, The: 9
Devils Rock, The: 85
Devolution (Novel): 206
Diary of The Dead: 55
Die Hard 04 Live Free Or Die Hard: 184
Dirty Harry: 209
District 9: 198
Divide, The: 2
Django Unchained: 143
Doctor Sleep: 167
Doctor Strange: 178
Doctor Strange And The Multiverse of Madness: 234
Dog Soldiers: 11
Dolans Cadillac: 169
Dominion: Prequel To Exorcist: 48
Domino: 99
Don't Breathe: 156
Don't Look Now: 13
Donnie Darko: 198
Double Impact: 225
Downfall: 28
Dr Horribles Singalong Blog: 63
Dr Strangelove: 138
Dracula: 161
Dracula (70s Remake): 29
Dracula III Legacy: 191
Dracula Unbound: 97
Drag Me To Hell: 152
Dreamcatcher: 81 181
Dredd: 66
Drop Dead Gorgeous: 10
Drunken Master 2: 101
Dunwich Horror, The: 147


Earth Girls Are Easy: 183
Eastern Promises: 253
Edge, The: 33
Eight Legged Freaks: 3
Elysium: 171
End of The Line: 217
End of Watch: 83
Endless, The: 198
Enter The Dragon: 101
Enter The Dragon (2): 228
Entity, The: 23
Eraserhead: 244
Escape From New York: 41
Escape The Planet of The Apes: 117
Eternals. The: 234
Event Horizon: 14
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex: 160
Evil Dead (Remake): 79
Evil Dead 2: 15
Evil Dead 2013: 181
Evil Dead, The: 4
Ewoks Battle For Endor: 204
Ex Machina: 135
Exeter: 80
Exists: 50
Exit Humanity: 1
Exit Through The Gift Shop: 194
Exorcism At 60 000 ft: 247
Exorcism of Emily Rose, The: 4
Exorcist 2 The Heretic: 8
Exorcist 3 (Legion) (90s): 128
Exorcist, The: 4
Extinction: Jurassic Predators: 208
Extraordinary Tales: 105
Eye 2, The: 246
Eye, The: 95
Eye, The (2008): 243
Eyes of My Mother, The: 219


Fabulous Baker Boys, The: 241
Face Off: 66
Faculty, The: 14
Falling Down: 193
Falling, The: 105
Fantastic Mr Fox, The: 258
Fargo: 100
Fast Times At Ridgemont High: 241
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas: 37
Fear(s) of The Dark: 260
Ferris Buellers Day Off: 218
Fido: 12
Fifth Element, The: 42
Fight Club: 24
Fighter, The: 232
Final Destination: 82
Final Destination 2: 246
Final Destination 3: 189
Final Destination, The (Final Destination 4): 191
Final Girls, The: 158
Fire In The Sky: 226
Firestarter: 81
First Blood: 209
Fisher King, The: 92
Fist of Legend: 101
Fistful of Dollars, A: 187
Flash Gordon: 75
Flight of The Living Dead: 32
Fly, The (Remake): 3 77
Fog, The: 45
Fog, The (2005): 243
Following: 156
Fourth Kind, The: 226
Fragile: 7
Frailty: 153
Frankenfish: 208
Frankenstein: 161
Frankenstein Theory, The: 142
Freaked: 136
Freddy Vs Jason: 15 36 176 176
Freddy's Dead The Final Nightmare: 176 176
French Connection, The: 253
Friday the 13th: 31 36
Friday the 13th Part 2: 35
Friday the 13th (Remake): 36 79
Friday The 13th 3 In 3D: 189
Friday the 13th 4: The Final Chapter: 35
Friday The 13th 5 A New Beginning: 6 35
Friday The 13th 6 Jason Lives: 158
Friday the 13th 6: Jason Lives: 35
Friday the 13th 7: The New Blood: 35
Friday the 13th 8: Jason Takes Manhattan: 36
Friday The 13th Church of The Divine Psychopath (Novel): 191
Friday the 13th Part 3 In 3D: 35
Frighteners, The: 5
From Dusk Til Dawn 3: The Hangmans Daughter: 48
From Dusk Till Dawn: 44
Frontiers: 149
Frozen: 26
Fugitive, The: 250
Full Metal Jacket: 58
Funhouse, The: 211


Galaxy Quest: 63
Game, The: 115
Gangs of New York: 139
Gate, The: 201
Gathering, The: 217
Gattaca: 164
Get Out: 113
Ghost: 7
Ghost And The Darkness, The: 49
Ghost In The Shell: 113
Ghost Rider: 94
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengence: 197
Ghost Stories: 260
Ghost Town: 126
Ghostbusters: 5
Ghostbusters 2: 8
Ghostbusters 2016: 158
Ghostbusters Afterlife: 256
Ghosts of Mars: 6
Ghoulies: 114
Gift, The: 51
Ginger Snaps: 11
Ginger Snaps Unleashed: 130
Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, A: 111
Girlfight: 232
Girlfriend Experience, The: 205
God Bless America: 69
Godfather Part Two, The: 103
Godzilla (2014): 171
Godzilla (Emmerich): 68
Godzilla 1998: 181
Godzilla King of Monsters: 167
Golden Child, The: 75
Good Will Hunting: 92
Gorgan, The: 214
Gothic: 105
Grave Encounters: 25
Graveyard Shift: 208
Great Muppet Caper, The: 251
Green Mile, The: 121
Green Room: 163
Gremlins: 34
Gremlins 2 The New Batch: 8
Grey, The: 33
Grizzly: 114
Grizzly Man: 74
Grizzly Rage: 74
Groundhog Day: 82
Grudge 2, The: 30
Grudge, The (2004): 243
Guardians of The Galaxy: 170
Guardians of The Galaxy Volume Two: 178
Guns Akimbo: 255


H20: Halloween 20 Years Later: 72
Half Baked: 132
Hallow, The: 224
Halloween: 31 71
Halloween (2018): 227
Halloween (R): 118
Halloween (Remake): 72
Halloween 2: 71
Halloween 2 (Remake): 57 72
Halloween 3: Season of The Witch: 71
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers: 71
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers: 71
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers: 72
Halloween Ends: 246
Halloween Kills: 236
Halloween: Resurrection: 72
Hamlet: 65
Hand, The: 159
Hangman: 254
Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters: 144
Happening, The: 207
Happy Birthday To Me: 211
Happy Death Day: 247
Happy Death Day 2U: 167
Hard Boiled: 184
Hard Target: 225
Hard to Die: 88
Hardcore Henry: 255
Hardware: 171
Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man : 136
Harry And The Hendersons: 50
Hatchet: 197
Haunted: 7
Haunting In Connecticut, A: 40
Haunting In Venice, A: 250
Haunting, The: 23
Haunting, The (1999): 243
Hearts in Atlantis: 84
Heat: 103
Heathers: 10
Heavenly Creatures: 115 181
Hell and Back: 90
Hell Night: 206
Hell or High Water: 173
Hellraiser: 202
Hellraiser 10 Judgement: 203
Hellraiser 2 Hellbound: 202
Hellraiser 3 Hell On Earth: 202
Hellraiser 4 Bloodline: 202
Hellraiser 5 Inferno: 202
Hellraiser 6 Hellseeker: 203
Hellraiser 7 Deader: 203
Hellraiser 8 Hellworld: 203
Hellraiser 9 Revelations: 203
Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer: 193
Her: 135
Hereafter: 51
Hereditary: 217
Hidden, The: 96
High Tension: 9
Highwaymen: 78
Hills Have Eyes 2 (R): 89
Hills Have Eyes Part 2, The: 207
Hills Have Eyes, The: 62
Hills Have Eyes, The (Remake): 18
History of Violence, A: 70 181
Hitcher, The: 32
Hitcher, The (Remake): 79
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, The: 63
Hobo With a Shotgun: 15
Hocus Pocus: 256
Holy Ghost People: 180
Homegrown: 132
Honeymoon: 219
Hook: 92
Horde, The: 21
Horns: 97
Host, The: 43
Hostel: 9
Hostel Part 2: 149
Hot Fuzz: 150
House of 1000 Corpses, The: 222
House of Darkness: 245
House of The Dead 2: 195
House of The Devil, The: 4
House On Haunted Hill, The (Remake): 64
House With The Clock In It's Walls, The: 175
Housebound: 69
How High: 132
Howard The Duck: 75
Howling, The: 11
Hudsucker Proxy, The: 100
Hugo: 139
Hulk: 89
Humanoids From The Deep: 174
Humans Vs Zombies: 47
Hush: 199


I Frankenstein: 97
I Robot: 38
I Saw The Devil: 193
I Sell The Dead: 37
I Spit On Your Grave: 149 181
I Spit On Your Grave (2010): 205
I'm Thinking of Ending Things: 199
Ice Harvest, The: 150
Iceman, The: 99
Immortel: 164
Impossible, The: 116
Impostor: 113
In A Valley of Violence: 187
In The Mouth of Madness: 147
Inception: 98
Incident At Loch Ness: 168
Incredible Hulk, The: 162
Independence Day: 42
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull: 102
Infestation: 3
Initiation, The: 174
Inland Empire: 146
Innkeepers, The: 40
Innocents, The: 214
Insidious: 45
Insight: 51
Insomnia: 115
Into The Grizzly Maze: 74
Into The Woods: 112
Intolerable Cruelty: 165
Invasion of The Body Snatchers (78 Remake): 14
Invisible Man, The: 161
Invisible Man, The (2020): 242
Iron Man: 162
Iron Man 2: 162
Iron Man 3: 170
Iron Sky: 158
Island, The: 172
IT: 81
IT Chapter One: 124
IT Chapter Two: 167
It Follows: 239
It's Alive (R): 124
It's Alive 3 Island of The Alive: 172


Jack Frost: 257
Jackals: 222
Jackie Brown: 253
Jacobs Ladder: 13
Jacobs Ladder (90s): 128
James And The Giant Peach: 258
Jason Goes To Hell: 36 147
Jason X: 36
Jaws: 20
Jaws 2: 49
Jaws 3D: 124
Jaws 4 The Revenge: 133
JCVD: 225
Jeepers Creepers: 151
Jeepers Creepers 3: 227
John Dies At The End: 147
Jonah Hex: 94
Joyride: 78
Jugface: 224
Jurassic Park: 68
Jurassic Park 3: 186
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom: 227


Kafka: 244
Kick Ass: 70
Kill Bill Volume One: 46
Kill Bill Volume Two: 46
Kill The Irishman: 173
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: 96
Killing Them Softly: 156
King Kong (Jackson): 68
King Kong Vs Godzilla: 47
King of The Ants: 163
Kingdom of The Spiders: 186
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: 150
Kiss of The Dragon: 66
Knives Out: 250
Knowing: 82
Krampus: 157
Kubo And The Two Strings: 229
Kundun: 139
Kung Fu Hustle: 101


L.A. Confidential: 83
La La Land: 112
Labyrinth: 166
Ladykillers, The (2004): 165
Ladykillers, The (Remake): 10
Lair of The White Worm: 231
Lair, The: 245
Lake Placid: 186
Lake Placid Legacy: 249
Lake Placid Vs Anaconda: 207
Land of The Dead: 55
Land of The Lost: 63
Lars and The Real Girl: 109
Last Boyscout, The: 150
Last Exorcism Part 2, The: 57
Last Exorcism, The: 25
Last House On The Left, The: 62
Last House on The Left, The (Remake): 9
Last Man On Earth, The: 213
Last Night In Soho: 245
Last of The Living, The: 108
Last Stand, The: 66
Last Unicorn, The: 229
Last Winter, The: 26
Late Phases Night of The Lone Wolf: 111
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 102
Leatherface (RNR): 155
Leatherface Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (RNR): 155
Leaves of Grass: 132
Legend of Boggy Creek, The: 50
Legend of Hell House, The: 40
Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The: 175
Leprechaun: 188
Leprechaun 2: 188
Leprechaun 3: 188
Leprechaun Back 2 The Hood: 188
Leprechaun In Space: 188
Leprechaun In The Hood: 188
Leprechaun Origins: 188
Leprechaun Returns: 188
Les Miserables: 112
Let Me In: 118
Let The Right One In: 29 181
Lethal Weapon 4: 66
Letters From The Big Man: 168
Life: 113
Lifeboat: 110
LifeForce: 96
Limitless: 262
Little Shop of Horrors: 27
Live Die Repeat (Edge of Tomorrow): 82
Living Dead At The Manchester Morgue, The: 108
Lockout: 255
Lodge, The: 257
Lone Wolf And Cub: 232
Lookout, The: 173
Looper: 91
Lords of Salem, The: 144
Lost Boys The Tribe: 191
Lost Boys, The: 76
Lost In The Pacific: 249
Lure, The: 238
Lurking Fear, The: 248


Macbeth (Wright): 65
Machine Girl, The: 255
Machinist The: 115
Mad Max: 78
Mad Max Fury Road: 171
Magic: 107
Magnolia: 146
Magnum Force: 209
Malignant: 245
Mama: 45
Man of Thai Chi: 228
Man of The Year: 92
Man On Wire: 194
Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot, The : 233
Man Who Wasn't There,The: 165
Mandalorian (Season 01): 261
Mandalorian (Season 02): 261
Mandalorian (Season 03): 261
Mandy: 219
Mangler, The: 84
Manhunter: 24
Maniac (R): 118
Maps To The Stars: 156
Mars Attacks: 244
Martha Marcy May Marlene: 180
Martian, The: 262
Martyrs: 9
Mary And Max: 216
Mary Reilly: 168
Mary Shelleys Frankenstein: 168
Master, The: 216
Masters of The Universe: 183
Matango: 214
Matrix: 38
Matrix Reloaded: 57
Matrix Revolutions: 148
Maximum Overdrive: 183
Mean Streets: 139
Mechanic, The: 173
Meg, The: 133
Memento: 24
Memoirs of The Invisible Man: 256
Men In Black 3: 63
Mercy: 84
Midnight Cowboy: 205
Midnight Meat Train, The: 32
Midnight Movie: 211
Midsommar: 219
Millers Crossing: 100
Mimic: 3
Mimic (Directors Cut) (90s): 127
Mimic 3 Sentinal: 191
Miracle Mile: 2
Mirrors: 64
Misery: 54
Mission To Mars: 262
Mist, The: 54
Mister Frost: 206
Monster: 99
Monster Camp: 194
Monster, The: 124
Monsterland: 208
Monsters Dark Continent: 111
Moon: 38
Morgan: 135
Mosquito: 196
Motel Hell: 231
Mothman Prophecies, The: 152
Moulin Rouge: 112 181
Mr Toads Wild Ride: 182
Mulholland DR: 13
Mummy, The: 161
Muppet Movie, The: 251
Muppets From Space: 251
Muppets Most Wanted: 251
Muppets Take Manhattan: 251
Muppets, The: 251
Murderball: 194
Mutants: 22
My Bloody Valentine (Remake): 79
My Friend Dahmer (Graphic Novel): 199
My Neighbor Totoro: 258
My Soul To Take: 245


Naked Lunch: 37
Natural Born Killers: 67
Near Dark: 29
Necronomicon: 248
Needful Things: 81
Neon Demon, The: 219
New Nightmare: 62
Night Flier, The: 29
Night Listener, The: 92
Night of The Comet: 96
Night of The Creeps: 17
Night of The Demon: 233 233
Night of The Demons: 96
Night of The Lepus: 114
Night of The Living Dead: 21 55
Night of The Living Dead (Remake): 56
Night Skies: 226
Nightbreed (Directors Cut) (90s): 127
Nightmare City: 125
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Freddy's Revenge: 176
Nightmare On Elm Street 3 The Dream Warriors: 176 189
Nightmare On Elm Street 4 The Dream Master: 176 176
Nightmare On Elm Street 5 The Dream Child: 176 176
Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2: 57
Nightmare On Elm Street, A: 176
Nightmare On Elm Street, A (R): 118 176 176
NightWatch: 95
Nina Forever: 206
Ninja Scroll: 154
No Country For Old Men: 165
No Escape (1994): 172
Nothing: 123
Nothing But Trouble: 39


O Brother Where Art Thou: 165
Obi Wan Kenobi: 261
Office Space: 138
Offspring, The: 222
Okja: 198
One Cut Of The Dead: 235
One False Move: 173
Ong Bak (2): 228
Ong Bak The Thai Warrior: 101
Onibaba: 213
Open Water: 20
Open Water 3 Cage Dive: 133
Orca The Killer Whale: 93
Orphanage, The: 22
Others, The: 23
Outbreak: 116
Outlaw Josie Wales, The: 187
Outpost: 12 89
Over The Garden Wall: 258
Over The Hedge: 182
Overlord: 255


P2: 34
Pacific Rim: 68
Pacific Rim Uprising: 171
Pack, The: 95
Pandorum: 59
Pans Labyrinth: 22
Paprika: 154
Paranormal Activity: 25
Paranormal Activity 2: 177
Paranormal Activity 3: 48
Paranormal Activity 4: 30
Parents: 126
Passengers: 32
Passengers (2016): 262
Pathology: 67
Peeping Tom: 220
Penn & Teller Get Killed: 146
People Under The Stairs, The: 222
Perfect Blue: 154
Perfect Storm, The: 116
Perfect World, A: 253
Perkins 14: 222
Pet Sematary: 54
Pet Sematary 2: 227
Phantasm: 190
Phantasm 2: 190
Phantasm 3 Lord of The Dead: 190
Phantasm 4 Oblivion: 190
Phantasm 5 Ravager: 190
Phantom Of The Opera (00s): 27
Phantom of The Opera (Argento): 244
Phantom of The Paradise, The: 244
Phenomena: 13
Pieces: 196
Pighunt: 223 223
Piranha: 93
Piranha 2 The Spawning: 159
Piranha 2DD: 88
Piranha 3D: 196
Pirate Radio: 216
Pitch Black: 59
Place Beyond The Pines, The: 241
Plague, The: 185
Plan 9 From Outer Space: 207
Planes Trains And Automobiles: 218
Planet of The Apes: 117
Planet of The Apes (Burton): 117
Planet Terror: 15
Platoon: 58
Point Break: 184
Poltergeist: 40
Poltergeist (Remake): 80
Poltergeist 2 The Other Side: 30
Poltergeist 3: 64
Pontypool: 108
Ponyo: 229
Possession: 206
Predator: 43
Predator 2: 57
Prey: 223 223
Priest: 44
Primer: 91
Prince of Darkness: 4
Princess Bride, The: 166
Princess Mononoke: 46
Progeny, The: 242
Project Grizzly: 74
Prom Night 2 Hello Mary Lou: 137
Prometheus: 98
Prophecy: 74
Prowl: 44
Psycho: 31
Psycho 4: The Beginning: 48
Psycho Goreman: 208
Pulp Fiction: 103
Punisher, The: 94
Puppet Master: 252
Puppet Master 2: 252
Puppet Master 3 Toulons Revenge: 252
Puppet Master 4: 252
Puppet Master 5: 252
Puppet Master Axis of Evil: 259
Puppet Master Axis Rising: 259
Puppet Master Axis Termination: 259
Puppet Master Legacy: 259
Puppet Master The Littlest Reich: 259
Puppet Master Vs Demonic Toys: 249
Purple Rose of Cairo, The: 160


Quarantine: 177
Quest, The: 225
Quicksilver Highway: 260
Quiet Ones, The: 80


R.I.P.D.: 123
Raging Bull: 139
Raid Redemption: 228
Raid Redemption, The: 66
Raising Arizona: 100
Raising Cain: 193
Rambo: 210
Rambo 3: 210
Rambo First Blood Part 2: 209
Rambo Last Blood: 210
Rango: 182
Rare Exports: 34
Raven, The: 1
Ravenous: 15
Rawhead Rex: 197
Re-Animator: 12
REC: 12
REC 2: 22
REC 3: Genesis: 48
Red Christmas: 257
Red Eye: 32
Red Lights: 51
Red Sands: 89
Red State: 180
Red Water: 93
Redbelt: 228
Reef, The: 20
Reign of Fire: 68
Renaissance: 90
Replicant: 225
Repo! The Genetic Opera: 27
Repulsion: 220
Resident Evil: 230
Resident Evil Afterlife: 230
Resident Evil Apocalypse: 230
Resident Evil Extinction: 230
Resident Evil Retribution: 230
Resident Evil The Final Chapter: 230
Resident, The: 156
Resonator: Miskatonic U: 248
Resurrected, The: 248
Retro Puppet Master: 259
Return of The Living Dead: 12 56
Return of The Living Dead Part 2: 56
Return of The Living Dead Part 3: 56 189
Return To Oz: 75
Richard III: 65
Right At Your Door: 2
Ring 2, The: 8
Ring, The: 40
Rise of The Planet of The Apes: 59
Rite, The: 4
Rites Of Spring: 217
Ritual, The: 199
Road, The: 2
RoadKill: 78
Roar: 114
Robocop: 38
Robot And Frank: 135
Rocky: 131
Rocky 2: 131
Rocky 3: 131
Rocky 4: 131
Rocky 5: 131
Rocky Balboa: 131
Rocky Horror Picture Show: 27
Rogue: 33
Rogue One: 204
Romeo & Juliet (Luhrmann): 65
Room 237: 194
Roost, The: 19
Rose Red: 64
Rosemarys Baby: 137
Royal Tenenbaums, The: 109
Rubber: 6
Ruins, The: 18
Running Man, The: 183
Running Scared: 163


Sacrament, The: 180
Saint: 34
Salems Lot (2004): 121
Saltwater The Battle for Ramree Island: 201
Sanctum: 116
Sand Sharks: 186
Santas Slay: 157
Sasquatch Mountain: 50
Saving Private Ryan: 58
Saw: 9
Saw 2: 149
Scanners: 164
Scarface: 253
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark: 201
Schindlers List: 28
Scoob: 175
Scorpion King, The: 249
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: 47 181
Scream: 17
Scream 2: 246
Scream 3: 250
Scream 4: 62
Scrooged: 157
Se7en: 67
Season of The Witch: 144
Secret of Nimh, The: 229
Secret Window: 169
Seed of Chucky: 120
Self/Less: 262
Seoul Station: 154
Serenity: 42
Serpent And The Rainbow, The: 62
Session 9: 23
Seven Psychopaths: 150
Seventh Moon: 108
Severance: 5
Shadow of The Vampire: 29
Shaft: 145
Shaft In Africa: 145
Shafts Big Score: 145
Shallow Grave: 24
Shallows, The: 133
Shang Chi The Legend of The Ten Rings: 234
Shark Exorcist: 207
Shark Night: 20
Sharknado: 207
Shaun of The Dead: 5
Shawshank Redemption: 84
Shining, The: 76 84
Shining, The (1997): 121
Shock Waves: 235
Short Cuts: 146
Showgirls: 102
Shutter: 95
Shutter Island: 24
Signal, The: 16
Signal, The (2014): 164
Signs: 59
Silence of The Lambs, The (90s): 128
Silent Hill: 19
Silent Night: 157
Silent Night Deadly Night: 257
Silver Bullet: 11
Silver Lining Playbook: 109
Simple Plan, A: 115
Simpsons Movie, The: 175
Sin City: 70
Single White Female: 254
Sinister: 45
Sister Sister: 231
Sixteen Candles: 218
Sixth Sense, The: 23
Skeleton Key, The: 45
Sleepless: 197
Sleepwalkers: 158
Slither: 14
Smiley Face: 132
Snakes on a Plane: 33
Snowpiercer: 122
So I Married An Axe Murderer: 10
Solace: 254
Solaris: 98
Solo: 204
Some Guy Who Kills People: 126
Someone's Watching Me: 159
Sometimes They Come Back: 30
Sorority Party Massacre: 247
Sound City: 194
Sound of My Voice, The: 180
Source Code: 32
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut: 90
Southern Comfort: 223 223
Southland Tales: 37
Spawn: 94
Species: 88
Sphere: 98
Spiderman: 73
Spiderman 2: 73
Spiderman 3: 73
Spiderman Far From Home: 215
Spiderman Homecoming: 178
Spiderman Into The Spider-verse: 175
Spiderman No Way Home: 234
Spirited Away: 166
Splice: 147
Splinter: 43
Spring: 111
Sputnik: 206
Stake Land: 29
Stand by Me: 84
Stand, The: 169
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan: 86
Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock: 86
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home: 87
Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier: 87
Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country: 87
Star Trek: The Motion Picture: 86
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace: 60
Star Wars Episode 2: The Attack of The Clones: 60
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of The Sith: 60
Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope: 61
Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back: 61
Star Wars Episode 6: Return of The Jedi: 61
Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens: 221
Star Wars Episode 8 The Last Jedi: 221
Star Wars Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker: 221
Stardust: 166
Starman: 41
Starship Troopers: 14
Starship Troopers 2: 89
State And Main: 216
Stir of Echoes: 23
Stir of Echoes 2 The Homecoming: 227
Stonehearst Asylum: 105
Storm of The Century, The: 169
Strange Brew: 39
Stuck: 67
Subspecies: 185
Sudden Impact: 210
Sunshine: 148
Super: 136
Superfly: 145
Surf's Up: 182
Survival of The Dead: 55
Suspiria: 144
Swamp Thing: 75
Swarm, The: 186
Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: 27
Sweet And Lowdown: 160
Swimming With Sharks: 39
Sword of The Stranger, The: 154
Synchronic: 262
Synecdoche NY: 216


Tale of Two Sisters, A: 22
Tales From The Darkside The Movie: 260
Taxi Driver: 106
Teeth: 137
Tenacious D And The Pick of Destiny: 126
Terminator 2 Judgement Day: 42 179
Terminator 3 Rise of The Machines: 122 179
Terminator Dark Fate: 179
Terminator Genisys: 179
Terminator Salvation: 179
Terminator, The: 38 179
Terrifier: 199
Terrifier 3: 257
Terror Train: 174
Texas Chainsaw 3D (RNR): 155
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022): 223 223
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The (RNR): 155
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The: 31
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (R): 118
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (RNR): 155
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning: 48
Texas Chinsaw Massacre The Next Generation (RNR): 155
Texas Killing Fields: 173
Thaw, The: 208
The Book of Boba Fett: 261
The Enforcer: 209
These Final Hours: 122
They Came Back: 22
They Live: 41
Thin Red Line, The: 58
Thing, The (R): 43 77
Thing, The (Reboot): 19
Thir13en Ghosts: 243
This Is The End: 123 181
Thor: 162
Thor Love And Thunder: 234
Thor Ragnarok: 178
Thor The Dark World: 170
Throw Momma From The Train: 10
Thumbsucker: 109
Tideland: 244
Time Bandits: 91
Time Crimes: 91
Titus: 65
Tokyo Zombie: 95
Tombstone: 143
Tommyknockers, The: 169
Total Recall: 42
Touching The Void: 28
Tourist Trap: 174
Town That Dreaded Sundown, The: 106
Trailer Park of Terror: 6
Train To Busan: 235
Trance: 115
Transcendence: 135
Transylvania 6-5000: 75
Tremors: 43
Tremors (RNR): 200
Tremors 2 Aftershocks (RNR): 200
Tremors 3 Back To Perfection: 189
Tremors 3 Back To Perfection (RNR): 200
Tremors 4 The Legend Begins (RNR): 200
Tremors 5 Bloodline (RNR): 200
Tremors 6 A Cold Day In Hell (RNR): 200
Tremors 7 Shrieker Island (RNR): 200
Tremors Bloodlines: 111
Triangle: 18
Trick: 236
Trick R Treat: 16
Triplets of Bellville, The: 258
Troll Hunter: 25
Tropic Thunder: 150
Trucks: 121
True Grit: 143
Tucker And Dale vs. Evil: 17
Tunnel, The: 25
Turbo Kid: 255
Turistas: 18
Twice Dead: 249
Twilight Zone The Movie: 16
Twister: 116


U.S. Marshals: 83
Uncle Buck: 218
Under The Shadow: 237
Under The Skin: 97
Underwater: 242
Underworld: 44
Underworld Rise of The Lycans: 130
Unforgiven: 143
United 93: 28
Upgrade: 163
Urban Legends: 211
USS Indianapolis Men Of Courage: 133


Vacancy: 18
Vacuuming Completely Nude In Paradise: 146
Vanilla Sky: 146 181
Vanishing on 7th Street, A: 2
Vanishing, The: 95
VHS: 16
VHS 2: 177
Video Dead, The: 114
Village of The Damned, The (1995): 243
Vivarium: 242
VIY: 213
Void, The: 217


Wag The Dog: 39
Wailing, The: 239
Wait Until Dark: 110
Waking Life: 90
Walk Among The Tombstones, A: 254
Waltz with Bashir: 90
Wanted: 46
War of The Worlds (R): 42
Warrior: 228
Watch, The: 123
We Are Still Here: 80
We Need To Talk About Kevin: 193
Weird Science: 136
Werewolf The Beast Within: 97
Wes Cravens New Nightmare: 176 176
What Dreams May Come: 142
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane: 220
What Lies Beneath: 7
What We Do In The Shadows: 69
Whats Eating Gilbert Grape: 109
When A Stranger Calls: 31
Where The Wild Things Are: 166
White Noise: 7
White Noise 2 The Light: 30
White Zombie: 110
Wicked Little Things: 235
Wicker Man, The : 106
Wicker Man, The (Remake): 136
Wild Bill: 187
Wild Bunch, The: 187
Willard: 111
Willow Creek: 50
Wind Chill: 26
Witch, The: 105
Wolf Creek: 149
Wolf Man, The: 161
Wolf of Wall Street,The: 139
Wolfcop: 69
Wolfen: 11
Wolfman (R): 130
Woman In Black 2: Angel of Death: 80
Woman In Black, The: 64
Woman, The: 137
Woods, The: 144
World War Z: 108
Worlds Greatest Dad: 92
Wrong Turn: 18
Wrong Turn 3 Left For Dead: 211


X-Men: 129
X-Men 2 United: 129
X-Men 3 The Last Stand: 129
X-Men Apocalypse: 129
X-Men Days of Future Past: 129
X-Men First Class: 129


You Should Have Left: 185
Young Guns: 143
Young Guns 2: 187
Young Sherlock Holmes: 250


Zero Theorem, The: 198
Zodiac: 99
Zombeavers: 69
Zombi Dawn of The Dead: 235
Zombie 3: 227
Zombie Strippers: 88
Zombieland: 5
Zombieland Double Tap: 167